Five ways to make your office more eco-friendly

As the home office becomes more mainstream following the Pandemic, there are several ways to transform your office into an eco-friendly space. Replacing some of your practical items (when you are done with them of course) with new innovative, eco-friendly versions. 

  1. A gamechanger is the Epson EcoTank, a refillable ink printer. Some printer brands don’t have recycling programs for printer cartridges. The Epson Ecotank not only saves you the hassle of bringing back your cartridges to Staples or wherever, but they are significantly cheaper than other kinds. So you are saving money and plastic! 

  2. Swap out regular packing tape for eco-friendly paper tape. There are many brands that sell a great kraft paper tape option that is still heavy duty and will satisfy the needs of masking, sealing, and packaging your boxes up without falling apart. If paper tape is good enough for Amazon, it’s good enough for us.

  3. Another tip is to buy used office furniture by utilizing Facebook Marketplace, AptDeco and or buying used items on Amazon. Many used items are still in great condition and buying second hand gives the items another life with a new owner. 

  4. In order to save paper, try out the new Rocketbook Fusion Smart Reusable Notebook. This 42 page notebook has seven different page styles. Handwritten notes can be sent to popular cloud services and you just wipe clean to start over.

  5. There is nothing worse than ordering WAY too many business cards and having to change something on them before you run out. I personally am looking for ways to repurpose old biz cards. I signed up for Haystack, a great alterntive for electronic business cards. If you aren’t ready to make the full transition, then try out OVOU. This customizable, reusable card will allow you to tap a customers phone and get them your contact info. In addition, it can send them an email with all of you links and things. GENIUS. Especially because you can edit as you go.

If you are looking to implement a sustainable purchasing policy at your company, then let’s chat about what that could look like for you!


mindful solutions for buying Secondhand


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